Some real client examples I've encountered:
Many of my clients love a certain color so they end up purchasing a top or bottom in that shade, but in doing so they might disregard if the piece even fits well or if they actually like how it feels on. When asked about it, in actuality, they often admit that the item is uncomfortable, doesn't fit well or brings up some negative emotion when they look at it/ wear it. This is an example of a piece that you'll want to examine whether or not it belongs in your curated closet. If you ultimately decide it doesn't, then like I mentioned above, take a picture of it, make a note of the color and that you'd like to find more great, and well-fitting pieces in this particular shade or hue.
I will be doing a closet audit with a client and we begin skimming their closet, and my eye catches a piece that I have a question about because it looks a little out of place compared to the other items in their wardrobe. And oftentimes, the client admits that it is from someone they care about, that was either given as either a gift or hand-me-down, but they have never worn it, nor do they have plans do so, but they feel immense guilt because of this, so the item just hangs there, sort of taunting them.
I start thumbing through all the shirts and tops hanging a client's closet, only to notice that the majority of them have tags on them, have never been worn and are necessarily recent purchases. I ask about that and often what comes up is frustration, annoyance and shame around the fact that they bought something on a whim because they wanted to feel better, they felt like they were getting deal, or they were taught that it was always best to shop clearance, whether or not you actually liked what you brought home.
Listen, this stuff goes deep. It goes so much deeper than just the clothing hanging in your closet, folded on your shelves and tucked away in your drawers. So remember to take deep breaths, brain dump when you feel the need, show yourself grace and go slow to go fast. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon, my friend.
All of that said, I want you to continually ask yourself some hard questions to really get to the root of why you might not be able to let some pieces go that are no longer serving you, so make sure you check out the Journal Prompts! I believe in you - YOU'VE GOT THIS!