For those of you that don’t know me personally or are new here, I thought I would share a bit about my backstory!

I am originally from Seattle, but moved to New York at the age of 23 and lived in Manhattan for 13 years, 11 of those in the same apartment, which is a key part to my story when it comes to creating Closet Control: The Detox Edition.

When I made the decision to leave the city and move back west, I had a very packed bi-level apartment on my hands that I had to somehow figure out how to empty and transfer across country without the help of movers. I shudder just thinking about it. Working in fashion for the past decade was incredible and I had a closet and vanity that I think most women would love. But the truth of the matter was, the stuff started to give me massive anxiety. Over many years, I was generously gifted items from brands that without thinking, I kept finding places for throughout my apartment, even though it wasn't a large place by regular standards. My issue with letting go of something that I didn't buy, was, well it was gifted to me! I would probably never buy it for myself so why would I give it away?! Definitely some scarcity mindset happening there, but we will get into that later on.

Anyway, the point of sharing this part of my journey is that I had to learn how to start purging, and fast. I did the best I could with the amount of time and resources I had (me, my parents and my now husband, Nate. The tricky part about that was neither of them lived in New York, so I had to get the bulk of the work done whenever they could schedule a trip out to help.

Since I wasn't bringing any of the furniture home with me, it was easy to let go of those larger items, as well as things like kitchenware, plants and the majority of my decorative accents. It was all replaceable, and I knew that. Except, I kept running up against these feelings of attachment to these certain physical items and what was layered in was that issue of scarcity. Now, this is not to say that you can't feel attachment to your things. I love the things I have now and they are very carefully selected, so that everything I own is something that I purposefully choose to hold onto with intention. I am in no way a minimalist, but I have done a lot of work around what is behind feeling the need to hold onto something that either is no longer serving me, brings up feelings of stress, anxiety or confusion, or that is merely just taking up space.

An important reminder that I always come back to is, just like people say that time is money, meaning it holds value, so does space. Space is valuable real estate and if it's being clogged or blocked with things that no longer have a place in your life, then most likely it is no longer bringing you those good vibes that you want to surround yourself with, right?

I believe that everything has an element to energy to it, and a lot of the work I do involves diving into the energetics of your closet, but before we get to that, take a look around, see what resonates and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have!