Some Photos From Our Two Week Trip With Both Dogs...

Some Photos From Our Two Week Trip With Both Dogs...

Hi Friends! As you might have noticed, I took an (unplanned) mini hiatus from the newsletter, which happened right around our two week road trip, which was then followed by lots of travel, Thanksgiving, more travel and then all a sudden it was the middle of December with the holidays upon us. I had already been rethinking a lot about what and how I want to share new content with you all going into 2023 so I decided to wait until the New Year to start it back up again. With that said, let's rewind shall we?

In mid-October, Nate and I loaded up our rented minivan with our two dogs, their crates, plus plastic tubs full of things we needed for the two weeks, and set off towards Idaho. From there we drove to Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, with a brief pass through in Wyoming, then down to Colorado and up back through Utah, Idaho and finally back up into Washington. It was quite the trip and incredibly memorable. I could probably write a novel about everything we experienced, but I will share a handful of my favorite photos instead… :)

We had a fabulous trip and look forward to our next adventure!



December: Things I Bought and Loved!

December: Things I Bought and Loved!