Closet Refresh: How To Clear It Out With Intention and Confidence
Well, we made it to January friends! The month of resolutions, intentions and starting fresh. This is all well and good, but I find that once a brand new year hits, we as a collective, can oftentimes be quick to list out all the things we want to change, fix and improve upon. And then before we know it, we find ourselves losing steam and consistency when it comes to all the goals we set forth for ourselves. Does that feel true to anyone else?
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more patient with myself so that if or when, I start veering off course or falling back into old habits, I know to just try and make the necessary adjustments and keep moving forward versus getting wrapped up in trying to be perfect in how I meet my goals.
I say all of this because this time of year, (next to early spring) is when people begin craving a closet clean out so they can pair down and move forward into the year feeling lighter. The intention to do it is there - it’s at the top of the list - but often times, they get stuck because it feels daunting or overwhelming. Or they start and stop, creating a big mess of clothing on the bed. Or they just simply don’t want to deal with the potential emotional baggage that might be hiding amongst the hangers.
If this feels like you, then this is reaching you at the perfect time, because I want to share a bit more from my online course to help you possibly jumpstart your own closet audit. And, whether or not you get rid of anything, it can still be so helpful and healthy to check in with the closet, since oftentimes it represents how we are feeling about ourselves and where we are at in life.
How To Purge Your Closet with Intention and Confidence:
First, let’s begin by thinking about what is hanging in your closet right now that might be holding you back from starting. Below are some examples of what I like to call “tricky” items of clothing that are often the culprits…
Items that need to be tailored
Ill-fitting items
Damaged pieces (stained, ripped etc)
“Fussy” items – meaning it takes a lot of effort to wear and style (shirt that needs a special bra, a top that only looks good when worn under something etc.)
Things that were given to you that you didn't ask for
Outdated items
Nostalgic items
Items that are either too small or too big
Items that still have tags on them that you never intend on wearing
Impulse purchases
Ok, so now ask yourself these questions when dealing with said tricky items:
What emotion (if any) do I feel when looking at this item?
Why do I still have it?
Did someone give it to me?
Do I feel any guilt or shame around the item?
How is it serving me?
Does it bring me joy?
Does it go with at least five other pieces clothing that I own?
These questions challenge you to really look at what you own to make sure they actually deserve to take up space in your closet, which is where the intention part comes into play. Being intentional and deliberate about what and why you are keeping something will help you build confidence in your decision making. That confidence will continue to grow and strengthen because you can now identify the emotions that you no longer want to feel when looking at what is hanging in your closet. Identifying all of that puts you in a position of personal power to make better decisions for yourself and the energetic space within your closet.
Here are some journal prompts from the course to help dig a little deeper…
What to do if you get stuck:
If you're a fan of Friends, then you might remember the scene where Phoebe and Joey are inside the coffee house playing a game where he has to answer her questions with a one word answer as fast as he can. Funny, yes? Effective? You bet. This rapid fire method is a great way to make a quick, intuitive-based decision instead of letting your emotional brain take over, potentially causing anxiety and indecisiveness.
Remember: The goal is not to necessarily give everything away because you think you are supposed to only have ten items in your closet, or that you are supposed to be a minimalist or own a capsule wardrobe. Our closet is a very personal space and says a lot about us, so it is also a very personal choice on what you keep/ let go of, so be intentional and purposeful not only when releasing something but when also deciding to keep an item.
If you are interested in learning more about what I teach and offer in my course, click the button below! I believe that everyone can purge and clean out their closet on their own, but it can also be very overwhelming and time consuming. Also, if you are anything like me and need someone else to keep hold you accountable, then this course will do just that. It is made up of five steps, which are rolled out over five weeks, is self-paced, and you can sign up at any time during the month of January. Each week, we will have check-ins to see how you are feeling, chat about the progress you are making and discuss any issues or questions that might come up when going through each step. If this resonates with you, I’d love to work with you!